Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Childish And Responsibilities

Lately, my parent always ask about marriage. Maybe it was because my age is already 27, or actually they felt ashamed of me marrying late, and my sister and my other two younger brothers will marry earlier before me. For me, i already told them i want to marry since i was 22, but they told me that i should marry when i finish my study.

But now, i think, marriage is something big. It's not only about happiness and love, but also about responsibilities. For someone like me who are still not used to something like this, i think i need much more to learn before i can actually declare that i can. And sometimes, i feel that i am too childish, too sensitive and  immature.

For the time being, my needs are many, and maybe one of it is marriage, but the most suitable thing for me to archive now based on my conditions is studying. Maybe god bless me, and keep guiding me to good cause.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Something To Archive

Maybe it's weird for anyone. But for somebody, it means nothing. For example, my first time eating cocktail was at my seventh year at Egypt, my first time driving car also at my seventh. I haven't go to pyramid that usually people rushing themselves to, and i don't feel it's pity or anything else.

Usually, i make my priority to something i want to archive. But sometimes, i neglect it so much too, and then felt guilty or regret. In these last months, actually i have many to archive, but time is also too short, less than what it should be to archive it normally.

But i still hope i will archive it.